As a postgraduate student transitioning back into full-time work, I looked to coaching. My first introduction to Judith was on a Zoom call from my car in a parking lot in Spain, as always, trying to juggle lots of different things at once. I started my journey with Judith feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and lost with how to transition into my new role. Judith enabled me to uncover the mental barriers I experienced at work and gave me the confidence to reflect and re-think things from an entirely new perspective. 

Four months on, I have now come to the end of my coaching journey with Judith. I leave feeling motivated, happy, and excited about my future from a professional and personal perspective. Judith's coaching has gone above and beyond my expectations, uncovering many obstacles, I was unsure of addressing. I now understand these obstacles and how to manage them, a genuinely transformative result I would never have achieved without the support from Judith's exceptional coaching ability. Thank you Judith, for such a positive and memorable experience.


Judith came to the rescue during a particularly turbulent time in my life. My head was all over the place and I had no idea what I wanted in life. I was a confused mess. 

She created a safe and calm environment in which I could carefully consider what my goals are and what I want my life to be. She helped me define specific milestones and actions towards achieving those goals, with a structured approach that really helped me see clearly through the fog. 

Her patience, kindness and expertise helped me develop a better understanding of myself and what’s important to me, and put me firmly on the path to creating the life I truly want for myself. Thank you Judith!”
